вівторок, 6 листопада 2018 р.

For the group 26 co! print out the following information! (on Thursday, the 8th of November)

For the group 6 cop! print out the following information! (on Wednesday, the 1st of November)

Professions & Occupations


Accountant - a person that works with the money and accounts of a company.
Actor /Actress - a person that acts in a play or a movie
Architect - a person that designs building and houses.

неділя, 23 вересня 2018 р.

For the group 26co! Your hometask on Tuesday, the 25th of September!


Read, translate the text given below and write down into your copybooks all kinds of character that are typical of our people! 
Make a printed copy of this text and bring it for our lesson, please!

середа, 12 вересня 2018 р.

For the group 7cop! Your hometask on Tuesday, the 18th of September!

Task 1
Read, translate the text given below and write down into your vocabularies all kinds of character that are typical of our people! 
Make a printed copy of this text and bring it for our lesson, please!
Task 2
Be ready for the dictation (learn the word file - p 6 - in a written form)!

неділя, 25 березня 2018 р.

For the group 34cb! Do the tasks on Monday, the 26th of March!

  1. Match up the shop with the appropriate goods (Соотнесите магазины с товарами, которые они продают).
  2. bookshop                             a. a loaf of bread, rolls, long loaf
  3. newsagent’s                        b. a bouquet of roses, lilies, flowers
  4. bakery                                 c. a packet of painkillers, pills, medicine
  5. butcher’s                             d. a gold necklace, a diamond ring, pendent

понеділок, 12 березня 2018 р.

For the group 37e! Text for Speaking on Wednesday, the 14th of March!

Підручник Англійська мова 10 клас Карп'юк 

For the group 6cop! Learn these words on Tuesday, the 20th of March! You'll have the dictation №3!

1) pigs' trotters brawn
2) pancakes
3) cabbage rolls
4) beetroot soup
5) pork fat (lard)
6) ravioli-like pasta (filled/stuffed dumplings)
7) a domestic (home-prepared) sausage
8) potato pancakes
9) sauerkraut
10) soured milk
11) cottage cheese
12) fruit broth
13) cucumber broth
14) birch sap
15) noodles
16) buckwheat
17) millet
18) oats
19) barley cereal
20) wheat cereal
21) semolina
22) Lent
23) fast
24) pancake week/Shrovetide
25) to keep/to observe a fast

субота, 10 лютого 2018 р.

For the group 6cop! Write down the words into your vocabularies and learn them for the dictation on Tuesday, the 20th of February!

ham - шинка
- язик
- копчений оселедець
tinned salmon
- консервований лосось
stewed fruit
- желе, компот
a tin of pears
- банка консервованих груш
- абрикос
a course/a dish
- страва
a specialty
- особливість, спеціальний асортимент
- крем (з молока)
- пироги з м'ясом 
flour - борошно
- хлібні крихти
- родзинки
- смородина
candied peel
- цукати
chopped almonds
- подрібнений мигдаль
- волоський горіх
grated carrot
- потерта морква
a cusine
- кухня
- вівсянка
a roll/a bun - булочка
an occasion
- подія
a plain food - проста їжа
a chop - відбивна
a substantial food
- ситна, суттєва їжа
a free room
- вільне місце (у шлунку)
a well-to-do-family
- заможна сім'я
to dispense with
- обходитися без чогось
to stew - тушкувати

неділя, 4 лютого 2018 р.

For the group 34cb! Read, translate, make 6 questions to the text!

I go shopping several times per week. Nowadays there are so many types of shops — the shopping center, the hypermarket, the supermarket, the bakery, butchery and grocery. I adore shopping centers. I usually do the shopping with my mother or with my friends. We go to the shopping centers where we can spend hours in different shops. You can buy any type of clothes there: from underwear to shoes and coat. The supermarkets and hypermarkets are very convenient as you can buy whatever you need at once. There is no more need to go to three different shops to buy bread, meat and vegetables. It’s all here. But still there are those who prefer buying some goods at the specialized places. For example, they buy fresh bread at the bakery across the street, and then go to the butcher’s to buy some fresh meat, and then spend 20 minutes to get to the grocery to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Modern technologies allow doing the shopping without need not only to get out of the house, but even get out of bed. It concerns not only the clothing, but also the food. The delivery service is a part of almost all modern shops and that is extremely convenient. You can spend half an hour on choosing and ordering the products and then do some other things and then just receive all that you need. Isn’t that convenient? So there are so many types of shopping. And one can choose the most preferable to him.