вівторок, 24 листопада 2015 р.

For the group 23co! Learn these words on the 25th of November! It will be a dictation!!!

Dictation №2
quiz, ability, questionnaire, to concern, to leave a school, to be satisfied with, to be well-paid, schooling, to make a decision, to take into consideration,  to predict, tax-free, position, an advancement, to offer, to apply for, a safety, a vacancy, to graduate from, to be responsible for.

понеділок, 16 листопада 2015 р.

For the group 23co! Tasks on Wednesday, the 18th of November!

Grammar task!
Make up sentences using Present Perfect Tense.
1) My mother/ to give / me / money / to buy / a bottle of milk.
2) The car / not to stop / at the traffic lights.
3) You / to see / this film / yet?
4) Where / they / to go?
5) They / not to leave / the house / yet.
6) What music /  she / to choose / for the party?
7) Your parents / to return / from the tour / yet?
8) Mr Gate /  to crash / his new car.
9) How many books / he / to buy?
10) Tony / to meet / his lawyer / today?

вівторок, 3 листопада 2015 р.

For the group 4cop!!! Hometask on Friday, the 6th of November!!! Be ready for dictation!!!

Dictation №2
quiz, ability, questionnaire, to concern, to leave a school, to be satisfied with, to be well-paid, schooling, to make a decision, to take into consideration,  to predict, tax-free, position, an advancement, to offer, to apply for, a safety, a vacancy, to graduate from, to be responsible for.
Grammar task!
Make up sentences using Present Perfect Tense.
1) My mother/ to give / me / money / to buy / a bottle of milk.
2) The car / not to stop / at the traffic lights.
3) You / to see / this film / yet?
4) Where / they / to go?
5) They / not to leave / the house / yet.
6) What music /  she / to choose / for the party?
7) Your parents / to return / from the tour / yet?
8) Mr Gate /  to crash / his new car.
9) How many books / he / to buy?
10) Tony / to meet / his lawyer / today?

субота, 31 жовтня 2015 р.

For the groups 4cop and 23co!!! Prepare for dictation № 1 learning the words given below. Remember their translation.

to earn, desirable, valuable, essential, prospects, a full-time, driving license, to face challenges, merchandising, an employment agency, requirement, to require, staff, to seek, to provide, a job ad, fluent, a quality, a qualification, an experience.

четвер, 17 вересня 2015 р.

For my dear group 4cop!!!!

 Do ex. 5 p 14 in a written form, ex. 1, 2 p 18 on Thursday, the 24th of September. Leave your commentaries, please. If you have some questions, I will answer them))


неділя, 14 червня 2015 р.

For the groups 22co, 3cop, 34e!!! Learn the words on the theme "Computers"! Write down them into your vocabularies or print out!!!

a vital part -важлива частина
to store data - зберігати дані
to process data - обробляти дані
to display data - показувати дані
an embedded computer - вбудований, вставлений (в середину чогось) комп'ютер
infinite - безмежний, нескінченний
to book = to order - замовляти
goods and services - товари і послуги
to do banking online - робити банківські розрахунки онлайн
leisure - дозвілля
a homepage = a webpage = a podcast - домашня, власна сторінка
a wordprocessing programme - текстовий редактор
a tool - інструмент, знаряддя
a medium - засіб
a computer literate person - комп'ютерно-освічена людина
an employee - працівник

+ the words we have written at the lesson (word file and so on)

неділя, 7 червня 2015 р.

Hometask for the group 33e on Tuesday, the 9th of June!!!

Do ex 1 (a, b) p 80 - read and translate.

Hometask for the group 22co on Monday, the 8th of June!!!

Translate these sentences into English using knowledge of Second Conditionals!!!
1) На твоєму місці я б пригостився цією стравою.
2) Якби ти приніс фрукти завтра, ми б спекли чудовий пиріг з фруктовою начинкою.
3) Він би приготував свою коронну страву, якби ти була його гостею.
4) Ми б могли не готувати обід, якби мама була вдома.
5) Ти б скуштував суші, якби був у Японії?

Open the brackets making Second Conditionals.
1) If I (to be) you, I (not to eat) fast food.
2) He (not to consume) rushed food if he (to have) enough time to go home for a meal.
3) What dish your friend (to help) himself to if he (to visit) Italy?
4) You ( to cook) pancakes tomorrow if I (to bring) all necessary ingredients?

неділя, 24 травня 2015 р.

For the group 34e!!! Do ex 1-3 p 76 on Tuesday, the 26th of May!!!

For the group 3cop!!! The rules of formation the Past Tenses!!!!

For the group 3 cop!!! Read and translate the text "Sport" on Monday, the 25th of May!!! Learn it for Speaking on Thursday, the 28th of May!!!!

People all over the world are fond of games and sports. Sport is one of the things that unites people of every nationality and class. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong, healthy and fit. The most popular outdoor winter games are hockey, skating and skiing, tobogganing, figure skating. Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, sailing and cycling.   Among outdoor games, football takes the first place in public interest; this game is played in all countries of the world. The other games such as golf, cricket, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis are also popular.  All the year round, many people go in for boxing, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics and track and field events.  Among indoor games, the most popular are billiards, table-tennis, draughts, but the great international game is chess, of course.  So sport is one of the things that makes people kin.
Speaking about sport in Great Britain, we must remember that British people are very fond of sports. Sport is a part of their normal life. The two most popular games are football and cricket. Football, also called soccer, is the most popular sport in the United Kingdom. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own Football Leagues and national teams. Games are played on Saturday afternoons from August to April. In addition to the FL games there is a competition called the Football Association Cup. The Cup Final is played at Wembley Stadium (London) in May.
Cricket is considered to be the English national game. Its rules are very complicated. It is played by two teams of eleven men each, the player tries to hit the ball with a bat. Golf is the Scottish national game. It originated in the 15th century and the most famous golf course in the world, known as the Royal and Ancient Club, is at            St. Andrew’s.
Lawn tennis was first played in Britain in the late 19th century. The most famous British championship is Wimbledon, played annually during the last week of June and the first week of July.
Those are the most popular kinds of sport in the UK. But there are many other sports such as rugby, swimming, horse-racing and the traditional fox-hunting.

неділя, 26 квітня 2015 р.

For the group 22co! Write down these words into your vocabularies and learn them!!!!

ham - шинка
tongue - язик
kipper - копчений оселедець
tinned salmon - консервований лосось
stewed fruit - желе, компот
a tin of pears - банка консервованих груш
apricot - абрикос
pineapple - ананас
cream - вершки
custard - крем (з молока)
pasties - пироги з м'ясом
a bun - булочка
flour - борошно
bread-crumbs - хлібні крихти
raisins - родзинки
currants - смородина
candied peel - цукати
chopped almonds - подрібнений мигдаль
walnuts - волоський горіх
grated carrot - потерта морква
 cornflakes - пластівці
porridge - вівсянка
ham - шинка
a roll/a bun - булочка
stewed fruit - компот, желе
a plain food - проста їжа
a chop - відбивна
a substantial food - ситна, суттєва їжа
a free room - вільне місце (у шлунку)

a well-to-do-family - заможна сім'я
to dispense with - обходитися без чогось

середа, 18 березня 2015 р.

For the group 34e! Do ex 1 p 69 as your hometask!

For the group 34e! Learn these words in an oral form and write down into your vocabularies!

ham - шинка
tongue - язик
kipper - копчений оселедець
tinned salmon - консервований лосось
stewed fruit - желе, компот
a tin of pears - банка консервованих груш
apricot - абрикос
pineapple - ананас
cream - вершки
custard - крем (з молока)
pasties - пироги з м'ясом
a bun - булочка
flour - борошно
bread-crumbs - хлібні крихти
raisins - родзинки
currants - смородина
candied peel - цукати
chopped almonds - подрібнений мигдаль
walnuts - волоський горіх
grated carrot - потерта морква

середа, 18 лютого 2015 р.

For the group 3 cop!!! Grammar! Conditionals II !!!!!

Second Conditional

(Второе условное наклонение)
Второе условное наклонение используется, когда мы говорим о том, что бы мы хотели сделать в настоящем или будущем времени. Но выполнение этого на данный момент невозможно.

Например: Если бы у меня было 10 миллионов, я бы купил остров
Десяти миллионов на данный момент у нас нет и остров купить мы не можем, поэтому используем второе условное наклонение
Second Conditional образуется при помощи if + Past Simple, а во второй части предложения употребляется would/could + глагол в инфинитиве.
If + Past Simple (вторая форма глагола либо глагол с окончанием ed ) + would/could + verb
If I had 10 million dollars, I would buy an island.

Group 22co! Learn these words in a written form on Thursday, the 26th of February!!!

mutual - взаємний
particular - окремий, особливий
a curriculum - навчальний план
 to acquire - набувати, отримувати
to realize - усвідомлювати, реалізувати
It's obviuosly - очевидно
considerable - значний
extracurricular activities - позакласні заходи
a boarding school - школа-інтернат
to relate - ставитися
critical thinking skills -навички критичного мислення
an infant school - початкова школа для дітей віком від 5 до 7 років
a junior/a primary school - початкова школа для дітей віком від 8 до 11 років
a nursery school /a kindergarten - дитсадок
optional - необов'язковий
compulsory - обов'язковий
a scholarship - стипендія
advanced - поглиблений
a comprehensive school - загальноосвітня шкорла
to attend - відвідувати учбовий заклад
to be pressed by somebody - перебувати під тиском
available - доступний

Group 3cop!!! Learn these words in a written form on Monday, the 23rd of February!!!

cornflakes - пластівці
porridge - вівсянка
ham - шинка
a roll/a bun - булочка
stewed fruit - компот, желе
a plain food - проста їжа
a chop - відбивна
a substantial food - ситна, суттєва їжа
a free room - вільне місце (у шлунку)

a well-to-do-family - заможна сім'я
to dispense with - обходитися без чогось
a cuisine - кухня
a course - страва
an occasion - подія
kipper - копчений оселедець
flour - борошно
raisins - родзинки
currants - смородина
candied peel - цукати
chopped almonds - подрібнений мигдаль

середа, 11 лютого 2015 р.

For the group 3cop!!! Learn these words on Thursday, the 12th of February!!!

ham - шинка
tongue - язик
kipper - копчений оселедець
tinned salmon - консервований лосось
stewed fruit - желе, компот
a tin of pears - банка консервованих груш
apricot - абрикос
pineapple - ананас
cream - вершки
custard - крем (з молока)
pasties - пироги з м'ясом
a bun - булочка
flour - борошно
bread-crumbs - хлібні крихти
raisins - родзинки
currants - смородина
candied peel - цукати
chopped almonds - подрібнений мигдаль
walnuts - волоський горіх
grated carrot - потерта морква

вівторок, 20 січня 2015 р.

For the group 3cop!!! (The task on the 24th of January)

My dear children:))) Be ready with these tasks on  Thursday, the 29th of January!!!
1) Learn the words, make a copy of them or write down into your vocabularies.
2) Answer the following questions in Written Form in your copybooks and be ready to ask these questions orally.
I believe in you! Good luck!

понеділок, 19 січня 2015 р.

For the group 3cop!!!

Please, do this task on Thursday, the 22nd of January!

Make First Conditionals opening the brackets!!!
1)    If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.
2)    If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad.
3)    If my mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.
4)    If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry).
5)    If you (not to work) hard, you (to fail) the exam.
6)    If I (to live) in London, I (to visit) the British Museum.
7)    If Ann (to live) near a wood, she (to gather) a lot of mushrooms.
8)    If he (not to get) a ticket, he (not to go) to the cinema.
9)    If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together.
10)                  If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

Good luck:)))