пʼятниця, 19 грудня 2014 р.

For group 3 cop!!!

Be ready with this text on Tuesday, the 23rd of December!!! Complete it with necessary words and be ready with translation! Good luck, children:)))

середа, 17 грудня 2014 р.

Project Work for the group 3cop!!!!

Your project must include:
1) clear and short information about system of education in chosen country (some short text, pictures, schemes)
2) Answers on problem questions:
- What do you like in the educational system of this country and what would you like to bring into our one?
- What do you dislike in its educational system?
3) A short interview (some questions and answers about education to any pupils or people)
4) A dialogue (video) about education in chosen country
If you do tasks 1 and 2, you will get 7.
 If you do tasks 1, 2, 3,  you will get 8-9.
 If you do all tasks,  you will get 10-12.

Good luck, children!!!

For Nastya Tarasenko:)

Be ready with oral translation too!!!

пʼятниця, 5 грудня 2014 р.

неділя, 16 листопада 2014 р.

For 22co! Hometask!

Group 22co! Do these grammar tasks on Tuesday, the 18th of November!

Task 1!
Write the Past Participle (простіше кажучи третю форму) of the following verbs.
To become, to break, to buy, to choose, to go, to drink, to drive, to find, to get, to grow, to have, to keep, to leave, to make, to see, to read, to sleep, to swim, to send, to take, to think, to wake, to write.

понеділок, 10 листопада 2014 р.

Group 34e! For Udovichenko Kostya!

Personal and extra tasks!
Grammar task!
Make up sentences using Present Perfect Tense.
1) My mother/ to give / me / money / to buy / a bottle of milk.
2) The car / not to stop / at the traffic lights.
3) You / to see / this film / yet?
4) Where / they / to go?
5) They / not to leave / the house / yet.
6) What music /  she / to choose / for the party?
7) Your parents / to return / from the tour / yet?
8) Mr Gate /  to crash / his new car.
9) How many books / he / to buy?
10) Tony / to meet / his lawyer / today?

Group 34e! Do these grammar tasks on Monday, the 17th of November!

Task 1!
Write the Past Participle (простіше кажучи третю форму) of the following verbs.
To become, to break, to buy, to choose, to go, to drink, to drive, to find, to get, to grow, to have, to keep, to leave, to make, to see, to read, to sleep, to swim, to send, to take, to think, to wake, to write.

Task 2!
Choose irregular verbs (неправильні дієслова) and write their Past Participle.
To arrive, to give, to play, to understand, to blow, to prepare, to wash, to fall, to miss, to run, to know, to talk, to open, to do, to water, to teach, to iron, to brush, to pay, to say, to remember, to show, to speak, to gather.

субота, 8 листопада 2014 р.

Group 3 cop! Use this text for your Control Reading, Control Translation and Control Writing!

Present Perfect (Hometask)

Group 3cop! Do these Grammar tasks on Tuesday, the 11th of November!

Task 1!
Write the Past Participle (простіше кажучи третю форму) of the following verbs.
To become, to break, to buy, to choose, to go, to drink, to drive, to find, to get, to grow, to have, to keep, to leave, to make, to see, to read, to sleep, to swim, to send, to take, to think, to wake, to write.