"English Club" for the 1st course від Н.П.Сергієнко
середа, 21 листопада 2018 р.
вівторок, 6 листопада 2018 р.
For the group 26 co! print out the following information! (on Thursday, the 8th of November)
For the group 6 cop! print out the following information! (on Wednesday, the 1st of November)
вівторок, 25 вересня 2018 р.
неділя, 23 вересня 2018 р.
For the group 26co! Your hometask on Tuesday, the 25th of September!
Read, translate the text given below and write down into your copybooks all kinds of character that are typical of our people!
Make a printed copy of this text and bring it for our lesson, please!
четвер, 20 вересня 2018 р.
середа, 12 вересня 2018 р.
For the group 7cop! Your hometask on Tuesday, the 18th of September!
Task 1
Read, translate the text given below and write down into your vocabularies all kinds of character that are typical of our people!
Make a printed copy of this text and bring it for our lesson, please!
Task 2
Be ready for the dictation (learn the word file - p 6 - in a written form)!
субота, 23 червня 2018 р.
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